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  • Geography | St Bernadette's Cath

    Geography Geography Policy Geography Progression of Skills Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Autumn Year 2 Autumn Year 3 Autumn Year 4 Autumn Year 5 Autumn Year 6 Autumn Year 1 Spring Year 2 Spring Year 3 Spring Year 4 Spring Year 5 Spring Year 6 Spring Year 1 Summer Year 2 Summer Year 3 Summer Year 4 Summer Year 5 Summer

  • Science | St Bernadette's Cath

    Science At St. Bernadette’s, we are in the process of writing and developing a bespoke curriculum based on the National Curriculum. “…careful curriculum design, where new knowledge is broken down into meaningful components and introduced sequentially, can support all pupils to learn scientific concepts. This includes those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.” Research Review Series: Science. Ofsted, 2021. Science Policy 23/24 Science Curriculum Overview 23/24 Intent, Implement, Impact Science Prior Knowledge “Assessing students' prior knowledge allows an instructor to focus and adapt their teaching plan. For students, it helps them to construct connections between old and new knowledge.” Assessing Prior Knowledge, Cornell University, 2022 Each unit with a prior knowledge check – this aids both teachers and learners. A focused flashback helps pupils to retain prior knowledge on the topic and make links between old and new content. Each planning grid outlines prior knowledge in order to support teaching. Retrieval “Sufficient curriculum time must be allocated for pupils to embed what they have learned in long-term memory through extensive practice before moving on to new content.” Research Review Series: Science. Ofsted, 2021. Each lesson begins with three flashback activities: The idea is that this: Will help to transfer information into pupils’ long term memories Will act as a ‘pre-teach’ for key concepts and vocabulary Will address common misconceptions before they arise Will lead to greater understanding as we progress through a topic as effective links can be made. Vocabulary “Vocabulary plays a crucial role in science because it is at the heart of science learning and knowledge building. To discuss and build knowledge, students need to have access to the vocabulary of science.” National Science Teaching Association, 2020 ​ ​ Each unit contains: A discrete lesson on vocabulary that is taught at the start of the unit, this pre teaches new scientific words. A selection of key vocabulary showcased on classroom science display boards. Each lesson contains: Scientists “Researchers have found that the sense of belonging in science matters more than grades and background when it comes to keeping students in science majors and careers. Creating a more equitable, inclusive, and leakproof STEM pipeline requires helping more students feel like scientists.” Helping students (re)think of themselves as scientists. C&EN, 2020. Each unit has a key scientist linked to it. These scientists have been reviewed to ensure our curriculum is more diverse and relevant to our pupils. Many units also have a ‘Just Like Me’ scientist also included, helping pupils learn about people like them working in different careers within the field of science today. When learning about scientists, we will focus on: the impact that scientist had on the world whose ideas that scientist built upon the barriers some scientists faced and how they successfully overcame these to make a significant difference to the world around them which of our ‘Working Scientifically’ skills these scientists utilized. Here are examples of a few modern and diverse scientists included in our science curriculum: Environmental Awareness “Environmental education promotes critical and creative thinking skills and inspires kids to become more engaged with their communities. It helps kids understand why the environment is important and provides them with the building blocks they need to live eco-friendly and sustainable lives.” Why Environmental Education is Important for Kids. Rubicon, 2021. The golden thread of environmental awareness runs through each unit in school. Each unit has a linked environmental focus – ‘Care of God’s Creation’ (linked to Catholic Social Teaching). This makes our curriculum more relevant to issues faced today, which should engage pupils and help them to see the real-world purpose of their learning. Enquiry Types Throughout school, children are exposed to five types of enquiry: Comparative/fair testing Research Observation over time Pattern seeking Identifying, grouping and classifying Working Scientifically A set of characters have been created to represent each of the ‘Working Scientifically’ skills that the children will utilise within their investigations and enquiries. These characters are displayed in every classroom and appear in many science lessons, even when the focus is not directly linked to enquiry. Reading At St. Bernadette’s, we believe that reading is a cornerstone of each and every curriculum area. As such, opportunities to share picture books, as well as fiction and non-fiction texts, have been planned into each unit. A range of books related to each science topic have also been purchased for each classroom in order to allow children to extend their learning outside of lesson time. Reading as part of the Curriculum (sample): Wider reading material (sample): Reading Across the Curriculum Science in Nursery and Reception The EYFS framework is structured very differently to the national curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas. The skills taught across EYFS feed into national curriculum subjects and statements from Development Matters are prerequisite skills for science within the national curriculum. ​ The most relevant statements for science are taken from the following areas of learning: ​ Communication and Language Personal, Social and Emotional Development Understanding the World Science in EYFS Science Knowledge Organisers Year 1 Plants Seasonal Changes Everyday Materials Animals including humans Year 2 Living things and their Habitats Everyday Materials Animals including humans Plants Year 3 Animals including humans Rocks Forces and magnets Plants Light

  • Maths | St Bernadette's Cath

    Maths Policies Sequence of Work Bar Modelling Mathematics is a life skill. It helps us to make sense of our world, providing a precise means of communication using numbers, symbols and shapes. It is a powerful, universal language used to explain, predict and represent events and tackle problems in everyday life. At St. Bernadette’s Catholic School, our aim is for the children to Learn to Love, Love to Learn and to develop an ability to solve problems, to reason and think logically, to work systematically and accurately and most importantly to be curious and resilient learners. New mathematical concepts are introduced using the ‘Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract’ (CPA) approach; enabling all children to experience hands-on learning when exploring new concepts. This allows all children to have clear models and images to aid their understanding. Time is devoted, daily, to teach and practise arithmetic and basic maths skills which ensures key mathematical facts and concepts are embedded and children can recall them accurately. ​ ​ Our mathematics curriculum is designed so that it is accessible and engaging for all pupils to maximise their full potential and make rich connections across other areas of the curriculum, preparing them for their future lives and careers. Home Learning Policies Calculations Policy Calculations Policy Guidance Nursery Maths Curriculum Guide Maths Policy 22/23 Sequence of Work Sequence of Work at St. Bernadette’s Catholic School The National Curriculum lies at the heart of Mathematics at St. Bernadette’s. We use the National Curriculum and White Rose to base medium term planning on. The National Curriculum for Mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils: become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations, and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions. The KS1 and KS2 Curriculum specifies ten strands of mathematics, namely: Number - number and place value Number - addition and subtraction Number - multiplication and division Number - fractions (including decimals and percentages) Ratio and proportion Algebra Measurement Geometry – property of shape Geometry – position and direction Statistics The EYFS curriculum specifies two strands of mathematics: Number Shape, Space and Measures Here you will find our sequence of work for the academic year 2022-23. EYFS EYFS/KS1 KIRFs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Policies Sequence Bar Modelling ​ Bar modelling is a key element when considering teaching for mastery. An amazing and powerful pictorial representation for revealing the structure and patterns within a maths problem, Bar Modelling promotes profound mathematical understanding and insight. The bar model method draws on the Concrete, Pictorial and Abstract Approach — an essential maths mastery concept. The process begins with pupils exploring problems via concrete objects. Pupils then progress to drawing pictorial diagrams, and then to abstract notations such as the +, -, x and ÷ symbols. Bar modelling is a versatile maths model strategy that can be used across a wide range of concepts and topics. It gives pupils a powerful and adaptable strategy for solving increasingly challenging problems that draws on the Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach. ​ Below you will find more information on Bar Modelling for each mathematic concept. Addition & Subtraction Multiplication & Division Algebra Other Problems Fractions Ratio Bar KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) Y3 Spring 1 Y3 Spring 2 Y3 Summer 1 Y3 Summer 2 Y4 Spring 1 Y4 Spring 2 Y4 Summer 1 Y4 Summer 2 Y5 Spring 1 Y5 Spring 2 Y5 Summer 1 Y6 Spring 1 Y6 Spring 2 Y6 Summer 1 Y5 Summer 2 Home

  • British Values | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Promoting British Values The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.” As a Catholic Primary School we believe that everyone is made and loved by God as unique individuals, made in His image. Our Mission Statement and Catholic ethos embeds the foundations of British values: At St. Bernadette's Catholic School you will find us caring, hardworking and co-operative. We follow the ways of Jesus using our talents and gifts to make our school special. We show respect to all and welcome you. British Values & SMSC Policy British Values: About Us Democracy We encourage our children to actively take part in democratic activities, throughout the school. Each class has an annually democratically elected school councillor, who form part of the School Council which meet regularly throughout the school year. In Year 6, pupils vote for their Head Boy and Girl. These opportunities are used as an avenue to promote and teach about the democracy and electoral process. Children in Key Stage 2 are also given the opportunity to visit the council house in Birmingham and a group of children visit Parliament and Downing Street. Our local MP also visits school and brings their role to life through a question and answer session, annually, with Year 5 and 6 pupils. Democracy is also taught in the curriculum (e.g. through historical research of Ancient Greek civilisation and looking at how Historical figures influenced democracy). Pupils’ opinions are highly valued at St. Bernadette’s School and their views and ideas are sought via their school councillor and through the annual Pupil Questionnaires. The Behaviour Policy identifies both rewards and sanctions, both of which the children and parents (through our Parents’ Forum) have contributed to. There is a strong ethos of pupils volunteering in and out of school time. This includes activities such as Nursery Prefects, school prefects, rabbit prefects, buddy partners. adette's Catholic Primary School. We’ve created a safe and accessible environment where students are encouraged to discuss ideas, collaborate on projects, share their work and receive feedback with pride. We give students the foundation to reach their potential and gain confidence both academically and socially. British Values: Student Life Rule of Law The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country are constantly reinforced at St Bernadette’s. We have high expectations of behaviour in school and this is observed throughout the school. Our behaviour policy reflects our expectations and has been influenced by pupils contributing to our school rules, rewards and sanctions. Pupils have created an Anti-Bullying Charter, displayed in our dining hall. Pupils and parents have suggested rewards such as: behaviour badges, behaviour assemblies, Head Teacher, class and year band certificates, stationery rewards, star pupil and star table. Sanctions include missed play time or missed equipment time. Weekly discussions take place in class regarding behaviour and pupils self-evaluate their own and their peers performance and responsibility throughout the week. British Values: Text Individual Liberty At St Bernadette’s, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school we educate and provide boundaries from where pupils can make informed choices. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to do these safely, for example through our e-safety and PSHE lessons, Whether it be through choice of challenge, of how they record work, of participation in our numerous extra-curricular activities clubs and opportunities, pupils are given the freedom to make choices. Children are taught about personal responsibility, choices, ambition and aspirations. They are encouraged to have broad horizons and the opportunities provided include, theatre visits, theatre performances, musical instrument lessons, a rich breadth of PE in and out of the curriculum and art. ​ Our school values its local environment and pupils are given opportunities to explore and visit the local recreation area, Eco Park and playing fields. During these visits road safety, stranger danger and life skills are reinforced. Children are taught the importance of keeping safe and taking responsibility for their safety on line and in reality. They are given opportunities to explore this through annual Life Bus visits, regular ICT teaching, NSPCC assemblies, emergency service visits, visits to Safeside and visits from our school nurse. British Values: Text Mutual Respect Mutual respect is at the heart of our Mission Statement. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own right and the rights of others. All members of the school community treat each other with respect. Pupils are taught to respect their school, adults, peers, other pupils and themselves through our ethos, RE and PSHE curriculum and behaviour policy. Pupils are taught to have morals and will inform staff if they feel there is discrimination evident in school. Our school has strong links with a local school for children with a wide range of learning difficulties, encompassing moderate learning difficulties and increasingly more complex needs including autistic spectrum disorders (ASDs), behavioural issues, sensory impairment and language disorders. We celebrate the breadth of talents and support the needs that our own pupils have and children are encouraged to recognise effort and achievement. British Values: Text Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs Pupils demonstrate an understanding and awareness that people in school and our community have different faiths and beliefs to the individual pupil and to the Catholic faith. They understand that these differences are part of our liberty and should not be the cause of prejudice or discriminatory behaviour. We value our local community links and children annually visit a many places of worship. The children, each year, visit at least one place of worship. This has been timetabled so that children will visit a place of worship for each major religion by the time they leave our school. Our school celebrates and recognises many faith festivals and we encourage children and parents from a range of faith and cultural backgrounds to share experiences and knowledge with our children. We encourage our children to interact with children from other schools, through organised activities and events. There are clear procedures and guidance in school for pupils who demonstrate a lack of respect or racist behaviour. British Values: Portfolio

  • Computing | St Bernadette's Cath

    Computing Computing Policy 23/24 Computing Acceptable Use Policy 23/24 Computing Intent, Implement, Impact 22/23 Online Safety Policy 23/24 Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

  • Pastoral Support | St Bernadette's Cath

    Pastoral Support PASTORAL SUPPORT Pastoral Team: Mr Carroll, Miss Hulse, Mrs Shalvey and Mrs Payne. ​ Please take a look at the following websites where you will be able to access support from various organisations if needed. BARNARDO’S – Support for children, young people and families in need. Contact details: , Helpline telephone: 0121-550-5271. SHELTER - Housing advise and homelessness. Contact details: , Telephone helpline number 0300-330-1234 MIND - Adult support for mental health, benefits and housing. Contact details: Birmingham, Telephone 0121-262-3555 Support for key worker practical advice for staying at home taking care of your mental health support for work, benefits, and housing talking to children about coronavirus how to talk to your anxious child or teen about Coronavirus and much more WOMEN’S AID - Provides front line domestic violence and abuse support to women and children in Birmingham and Solihull area. Contact details: Contact telephone number: 0800 800 0028 (freephone helpline)/ 07891 492327 for anyone who would have accessed the drop-in centres. Any women at risk of homelessness as a result of domestic violence and abuse in Birmingham can call the Housing Options HUB. Telephone number: 0800 169 9604 EDWARDS TRUST - Support for Children and Families facing loss and surviving bereavement across the West Midlands. Contact details: Bereavement telephone: 0121-454-1705 CRUSE BEREAVEMENT CARE - Support for Children and Families facing loss and surviving bereavement. Open Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm Contact Telephone number: 0808 808 1677 Email: BIRMINGHAM CHILDREN'S TRUST - COMMUNITY EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY - Offer family telephone support for those living in Solihull - 5 days a week Contact telephone number: 0121 779 1734 Email: How best to look after your own and/or your child mental and emotional wellbeing on a daily basis How to talk with children about COVID - 19 and their worries relayed to it How to support children to engage with learning at home How best to maintain social connections whilst complying with social distancing How to manage behaviour that can be challenging or difficult to manage FOOD BANK VOUCHERS - These can be obtained from school. Your local Children’s Centre will also be able to offer you advice and may sign post you to other appropriate organisations. We also know that lots of children will be over hearing adult conversations, listening to the news, and have access to social media etc. all of which may leave them feeling confused and frightened. Please have a look at these links with your children to help them understand about coronavirus, social distancing and self-isolation as they may benefit from a simple explanation; Further support can also be accessed through: CHILDLINE- 0800 1111 SHOUT 24/7 - free text service for children- text to 85258 CHILDMIND HTTPS://CHILDMIND.ORG/ARTICLE/HOW-MINDFULNESS-CAN-HELP-DURING-COVID-19/ provides simple mindfulness activities to do with children PAUSE - is a drop in mental health and emotional well-being service for under 25s it is currently offering telephone support from 10 am - 6 pm 7 days a week for children and their parents. contact no: 0207 841 4470 email: OUR ROOTS CIC offers free telephone counselling (CBT or talk therapy) Telephone : 0121 439 9045 For support, advice and information in a crisis please contact one of the following: - YOUR GP or out of hours service - SAMARITANS on 116 123 free 24hr support - POLICE -Call 111 (open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) - SANELINE on 0845 767 8000 (open 4:30 pm – 10:30pm every day) - CALM HELPLINE 0800 58 58 58 open 5pm – Midnight 365 days a year

  • The Arts | St Bernadette's Cath

    The Arts At St Bernadette’s we are encouraged to use our talents and gifts in everything that we do. This same principle is applied to the arts. We understand that children have natural and taught talents and it is important for us to develop, encourage and empower these individual talents. We showcase our achievements through displays, assemblies and show and tell sessions. This year, we will be curating year band exhibitions linked to the topic being studied within that year group. We will then create an exhibition of the children’s work to celebrate it. Year 2 Space Project To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 3 WW2 To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 4 Romans To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 5 Greeks To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key. Year 6 Mayans To play, press and hold the enter key. To stop, release the enter key.

  • Knowledge & Skills | St Bernadette's Cath

    Knowledge & Skills Year 1 Topic Y1 Autumn Science Science Y1 Y1 Spring Y1 Summer Gymnastics Gymnastics Y1 Computing Computing Y1 Year 2 Y2 Autumn Topic Y2 Spring Y2 Summer Computing Computing Y2 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y2 Science Science Y2 Year 3 Topic Y3 Autumn Y3 Spring Y3 Summer MFL French MFL French Y3 Computing Computing Y3 Science Science Y3 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y3 Year 4 Topic Y4 Autumn Y4 Spring Y4 Summer MFL French MFL French Y4 Computing Computing Y4 Science Science Y4 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y4 Year 5 Topic Y5 Autumn Y5 Spring Y5 Summer MFL French MFL French Y5 Science Science Y5 Computing Computing Y5 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y5 Year 6 Topic Y6 Autumn Y6 Spring MFL French MFL French Y6 Science Science Y6 Computing Computing Y6 Gymnastics Gymnastics Y6

  • New Page | St Bernadette's Cath

    Ethos St. Bernadette’s is much more than just an educational establishment; it is a beacon of hope and a place which has to offer: Children: The stability and enrichment they need to become well rounded individuals who are well prepared for the life ahead of them. Staff: A sense of fulfilment and achievement. Parents: A school which assists them in the religious formation of their children and offers them support and advice to develop their children socially, morally and academically. Implications Therefore we need to provide: Children: A broad and exciting curriculum which engages all. A safe and secure stimulating environment in which children are nurtured and supported. A set of moral values, which inform the choices they make. Staff: Quality professional development based on assessment of needs. Opportunities to network with other educational establishments. Parents: Up to date information on curriculum and pastoral matters. Opportunities to develop parenting skills Prospectus The Pupil Premium The pupil premium is additional funding given to publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. See the pdf document below for detailed information on our Pupil Premium impact for 2018/19 and the action plan for 2019/20 PP Strategies Impact 2020 PP Strategies Plan 2020-21 Pupil Premium Policy The McNally Award DSC_9907 2019 2019 2017 2017 2016 2016 Show More The McNally Award Every year in the summer term, one child from each year band, Nursery to year 6, is nominated to receive the McNally award. Staff within the year band, choose a child who has displayed an exceptional attitude towards school life throughout the academic year. Typically, these children will display impeccable manners on a daily basis. They will give their very best in every lesson and will be supportive of their peers and their teachers. The award was introduced in 2015, following the death of Mr John McNally who had been the charismatic Head Teacher of St Bernadette’s School until 2005. Mr McNally saw the school grow from 180 pupils to 700 pupils over a period of years. He was well respected in the local community due to his strong leadership and continuous drive to achieve high standards of discipline and academic success.

  • Phonics | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Phonics The school follows the Read Write Inc Phonics, which teaches children to ‘learn to read’ so they can then ‘read to learn’. In the summer term, children in our Nursery are introduced to letter sounds and throughout the Reception year and KS1, they are exposed to new sounds until they are confident identifying all 44 phonemes. Parents can support their children throughout the scheme by reading with their children every night and revising their speed sounds on a regular basis (link to speed sounds and pronunciation ). As children become more confident in recognizing the sounds they will begin to blend the sounds to form real words and nonsense words. The link attached illustrates a range of real and nonsense words for each of the set 2 and set 3 sounds. These are useful charts which will encourage children to use their phonic knowledge to decode a variety of words. Set 2 Sounds Quick Read 'oy' Quick Read 'ow' Quick Read 'ou' Quick Read 'or' Quick Read 'igh' Quick Read 'ee' Quick Read 'ir' Quick Read 'oo' as in zoo Quick Read 'oo' as in look Quick Read 'ay' Quick Read 'air' Quick Read 'ar' Set 3 Sounds Quick Read 'ur' Quick Read 'u-e' Quick Read 'tious' Quick Read 'tion' Quick Read 'ow' Quick Read 'oi' Quick Read 'o-e' Quick Read 'cious' Quick Read 'ea' Quick Read 'ear' Quick Read 'er' Quick Read 'ew' Quick Read 'i-e' Quick Read 'ire' Quick Read 'oa' Quick Read 'aw' Quick Read 'ai' Quick Read 'ure' Quick Read 'are' Quick Read 'a-e' Children are encouraged to progress through the scheme at a rapid rate. They will not necessarily need to cover every book in the scheme, and may be capable of accelerating through the scheme if they demonstrate a sound knowledge of words. In every year band, children are set according to ability and assessments are conducted every 6-8 weeks. As a result of these assessments, children may move up or down into a new setting group. An example of the assessment is here . The national phonic test is administered to pupils in Year 1 in June. On average, pupils need to be able to read 32 of the 40 words in order to pass the test. If they are able to read all set 1,2,3 sounds, they are likely to pass the test. If they score below 32, they will need to repeat the test in Year 2.

  • Catholic Life | St Bernadette's Catholic Primary School

    Catholic Life RE Curriculum Collective Worship Parish The Sacramental Life of the School Catholic Life St. Bernadette Our Patron Saint was born January 7, 1844 and baptized Marie Bernarde Soubirous. The oldest of six children, born to devout but poor parents, she was known by the pet name Bernadette. Bernadette was a sensitive, sickly child, plagued by chronic asthma. She was a notably good girl with a special devotion to the Blessed Virgin. On February 11, 1858, Bernadette, her sister and her sister’s friend went to gather wood on the bank of the Gave river in the French Pyrennes. To reach the gathering site, the three girls had to cross a small millstream. While the two younger girls went on ahead, Bernadette stopped to remove her shoes and stockings. Just then she heard a rustling sound which caused her to look up toward a small cave. There, in the opening of this little grotto, she saw “a girl in white, no taller than I, who greeted me with a light bow of the head.” The vision was very beautiful, clad in white with a blue girdle, whilst a long rosary hung over the arm. She seemed to invite the child to pray, and when Bernadette took her rosary from her pocket and began to say it, the vision also took her rosary into her hand and passed the beads through her fingers, although the lips did not move. When the five decades were finished, the vision smiled and disappeared. This was the first of 18 visions of the Blessed Virgin given to this humble peasant girl. The last one took place July 16th of the same year. The story of Lourdes is well known. Millions of people have visited this remote spot where Our Blessed Mother appeared to Bernadette almost one hundred and fifty years ago. Bernadette remained a shy, sensitive child of God, shunning the attention of the world that the apparitions afforded. She delivered the message of Our Blessed Mother only to the proper authorities of the Church and left the outcome to God. Finally, in 1866, at the age of 22, she filled one of her heart’s desires when she was accepted into the convent of the Sisters of Notre-Dame de Nevers. Her work at Lourdes was done. The shrine to the Mother of God that Mary had requested was being visited by ever increasing numbers. Mary’s message of prayer and penance had been delivered to the world. God had blessed the work with miracles. Gladly, Bernadette faded from the picture. She likened herself to Our Lady’s Broom: “Our Lady used me, they have put me back in my corner,” was her way of expressing it. But her work for souls was not done. Our Blessed Mother had asked for penance at Lourdes. While many were cured of their afflictions in the waters at Lourdes, the heavy cross of illness still lay on Bernadette’s shoulders and she suffered this penance throughout her life. ​ On April 16th 1879, in her 36th year, she died peacefully in the arms of her sisters in religion at the convent of Nevers. Her life of suffering was over. In 1933, just 54 years after her death, Pope Pius XI added the name of this humble peasant girl to the canon of the Saints. For all time in the official records of the Church, she will be known as Saint Marie Bernarda, but in the hearts and on the lips of faithful she will always be St. Bernadette, little Bernard. May Bernadette, our glorious patroness, remember us, and with her prayers intercede for us at the throne of God, and may she direct toward us the mercy and kindness of the Immaculate Virgin Mary, the Mother of Jesus who, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. ​

  • About | St Bernadette's Cath

    Meet The Team Founder & CEO Don Francis This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Tech Lead Ashley Jones This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Office Manager Tess Brown This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Product Manager Lisa Rose This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. HR Lead Kevin Nye This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Customer Support Lead Alex Young This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. QA Specialist Andrew Cole This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Content Strategist Debbie Green This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Product Manager Alissa Rose This is your Team Member description. Use this space to write a brief description of this person’s role and responsibilities, or add a short bio. Apply Today This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to start editing the content. 123-456-7890

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